Attendees List (as of 9-30-2021)
"Oh What A Knight!" at the UHS '70's & 80' Reunion
October 16, 2021 6:00 pm @ the Uniondale Marriott
UHS Reunion Awards, Raffles, & Door Prizes, Open Premium Bar,
Comfort Dinner Buffet, "REAL=Music" and a Group Tour of Uniondale HS.
✔️ Purchase Your Reunion Tickets NOW
✔️ 9/30/21 is the Last Day to Reserve DISCOUNTED MARRIOTT ROOM
✔️ Join our Facebook Reunion Group
✔️ Catering & Beverage Chairs crafted a Succulent Meal with a Premium Bar!!
✔️ Uniondale High Schools DJ BIGG with an Excellent selection of '70s & '80s Music